[one_half]Membership of the IN Boston provides you access to our networking events and discounts on many other premium events throughout the year. IN Boston membership is made up of Irish and Irish-American professionals, working in a wide cross section of industry, banking/finance, legal, arts, real estate, IT, education, media & advertising, biotechnology, non-profit.
Benefits of Membership
- Invitations to member only events
- Access to our local and national membership database. Link up with your peers, developing business and social opportunities in Boston and other chapter cities.
- Connect through our networking events to Irish and Irish-American professionals in the area who have achieved success and look forward to collaborating with you.
- Monthly email newsletter highlighting all Irish events in the area
Join now for the low cost of $50 a year.
* We are registering members at our new site, head over there now! *
Join Us | Irish Network Boston
Please contact membership@irishnetworkboston.net for further information.
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